
Personality is defined as the outward reflection of your inner feelings, thoughts. attitudes and values. Your personality is the sum total of the emotional and behavioral characteristics that make you unique. Your individual personality consists of combinations of thousands of different human characteristics, such as emotions. attitudes, skills, beliefs, values, and goals. All your many experiences influence the development of your personality, as well. These personality characteristics are not quickly changed – but can be modified over time.


An “attitude” is the specific and identifiable emotion and/or reaction one experiences and projects in dealing with the demands of life. Because your attitude is projected, it can have an effect on those around you. A negative attitude, obviously, can have a negative impact on others. Conversely. projecting a positive attitude can have an uplifting effect on the people with whom you come in contact.

People are born with very few attitudes: attitudes, like habits, are “learned.” Therefore. attitudes, like habits. can be “unlearned.” changed and modified, although attitudes are primarily learned, as parts of your personality they are very resistant to immediate change. “Positive” and “negative” are the two adjectives most often used to describe attitudes. Other descriptions include (but aren’t limited to): enthusiastic, caring, confident, defensive, aggressive, fearful.

All of us have attitudes, some are so ingrained that we’ve come to accept them as unchangeable parts of our personalities, ‘Too often, on questioning someone who constantly complains, for example, you’ll hear, “Oh, don’t mind me. That’s just the way | am.” Not true! It’s the way that person has. consciously or unconsciously, CHOSEN to be, Attitudes can be changed. Because an attitude can be so deeply ingrained that it has become a way of life no longer even noticed – let alone examined – changing that attitude can be very hard to do. You must remember that an attitude is projected…it touches and affects others, allowing yourself to project negativity in any form because “it’s just the way I am” is grossly unfair to everyone around you. In the long run, you will suffer most.

Some self-assessment and management may be necessary merely to identify ingrained emotions as reactions that fall under any of the “negative” descriptions. Once identified. they can be changed. The process of such change can require frequent re-evaluation and continual focus. However, consider the rewards. Not only will you be happier within yourself, but other people will find greater pleasure in knowing you and spending time with you.

You may want to ask your friends if your attitude is generally positive or negative. If you find that you currently do not have a positive, healthy attitude toward life. yet success is important to you. You may want to start changing now.

Analyze your personality and attitude every few months to find out what progress you are making, Remember, an attractive personality, including a positive attitude, is one of your greatest assets in life. It is the charm revealed in your speech, appearance, behavior, and manner – the total effect you have on other people.

As a salon professional, your potential success will be enormously enhanced if your peers and clients feel good in your presence. If you develop and nurture a positive attitude. not only will you have the ability to make your clients look good with your styling skills, but you’ll also be able to make them feel good, too. That’s a special gift, a goal worth working toward indeed!


Some people bite their nails, others bite their lips. Some people drum their fingers, others tap their feet. The only thing all these actions have in common is that the people performing them are probably not aware of doing so. These actions are very likely all habits.

Habits are “learned” and reinforced through events in your environment, which strengthen the habit, like attitudes, habits become ingrained and are difficult to change. Most habits are harmless. inoffensive actions that others barely notice. But some habits are annoying and unattractive.

You’re entering a service business and can’t allow yourself to keep those habits that others may find annoying. Unattractive habits will limit your potential for success.

Sit down in a quiet room and make a well-considered list of all your habits. Because it’s very possible to be completely unaware of personal habits. Ask a few relatives or friends to review your list and add anything you’ve left out. Review each item on your list. Is each habit consistent with the personal image you want to present to others? If not, begin a program of change now!

Having a positive attitude and practicing good habits will serve as fundamental principles in developing effective human relationships. Additional tips that will help along the way to your success include:

Maintain Attendance and Punctuality

  • Manage your personal and professional schedule to avoid conflicts with time.
  • Arrive at work on time. (Fifteen minutes prior to starting time is preferred by most employers.

Connect with your client

  • Be sensitive to the mood of your client. Some clients need and want the appointment time to be quiet and relaxing. others will want to talk and visit. Be a respectful listener and keep your conversation within the realm of your client’s need. Never gossip or tell off-color stories.

Extend Courtesy

  • Courtesy is the key to success. Your thoughtfulness of others will go a long way in allowing clients to feel comfortable and relaxed with vou.